About Me

Hey! I'm Kacie, but you can call me Kace. I'm a self-taught artist, creator and educator from York, Pennsylvania.
I've been creative my entire life, but only started exploring what "making art" meant to to me a few years ago. After going through some tough times during the 2020 pandemic, I was looking for a creative outlet that would help keep my hands and my mind busy. I learned about printmaking back in high school, but it wasn't until I picked up a block printing kit at the local craft store that things started falling into place.
I found mental relief in the linocut carving process and decided to start filming my work to possibly help share some of that same calm with anyone else who needed it. Throughout the process, I developed my own style, tried out new mediums, and built my confidence through many many failures. I'm still learning and growing every day.
These days I'm a full-time artist and, while I love making what makes me happy, I find the most joy in helping others discover, uncover, or pursue their creative dreams. My life has changed in so many ways due to the love and support of those around me, and I'm dedicated to sharing the highs, lows, and in-betweens of this journey with you.
I'm so happy you're here.
I started illukace (ill-uh-case as in illustrate and kace combined) with the intention to share my own creative world with the actual world. My work allows me to experiment, express and evolve in ways I always dreamed of. My hope is that you can find a bit of that here for yourself too.